Custard Cookie
What you need
- 1/2 cup (135g) Pauls Double Thick Vanilla Custard
- 1 tsp vanilla bean paste
- 1 tsp orange rind, grated
- 1/2 cup (135g) Paul’s Double Thick Chocolate Custard
- 1/4 teaspoon peppermint essence
- 12 sweet pastry tart cases
- Berries, to garnish
- Orange rind, to garnish
- Mint, to garnish
How To Make It
- In a small bowl combine Pauls Double Thick Vanilla Custard with vanilla bean paste and orange rind.
- In another small bowl, combine Paul’s Double Thick Chocolate Custard and peppermint essence.
- Transfer custard mixtures equally amongst the tart cases. Garnish with berries, orange rind and mint. Place in fridge for half hour to set. Serve.
Makes 12